Do you have any debtor or any legal problems in Poland or in East Europe ? Do you want to start a business in Poland or East Europe ? Are you going to invest in Poland ? We may help you.
Why does it pay to invest in Poland ?
1. Poland has the biggest apartment market among the new EU members.
2. The price level in the most expensive town - Warsaw (average ca. 1100 EUR per sq meter) is still low in comparison with other EU states.
3. Poland is going to face systematic increases in apartment prices only last year the prices increased by over 12%. A systematic increase in prices by ca. 10% annually is foreseen.
4. Migration to the biggest towns. Large discrepancies between salaries in big towns (particularly Warsaw) and the rest of the country result in permanent strong inflow of population (new clients) to these towns. The surveys show that 60% of the purchasers of new apartments in Warsaw are persons who were not born there. Other promising markets are Krakow, Wroclaw, Tricity ( Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot) and Poznan.
5. Low quality of apartments built under the socialist regime. In 15-20 years first demolitions will take place. At the same time, the purchasers prefer buying newly built apartments. This ensures permanent demand for the currently built apartments for many years.
6. Strong, systematic increase in GDP, on average by ca. 5% during the last decade.
7. Systematic increase in real salaries results in increase in purchase power of the Poles.
8. The perspective of joining the EURO zone increases confidence in the Polish currency which remains stable and even gains in strength in relation to Euro. At the same time Poland is one of few states that did not experience currency crisis.
9. Huge potential of the apartment market. The level of apartment loans in relation to GDP in Poland does not exceed 5% of GDP as compared to almost 50% in the EU.
10. Unlike purchase of other property, purchase of apartments by the foreigners is free of any permission.
Mr. Andrew Philips has been practising law for over 25 years, combining the experience of a judge, a legal counsellor and an attorney. This profound experience supported by his knowledge of foreign languages provides a guarantee of a reliable assistance by virtue of a power of attorney granted.
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